
Journal Publications

  1. Elfering, K., Narsipur, S.and Granlund, K., “Streamwise Oscillation of Airfoil in Separated vs. Attached Flows”, Physics of Fluids, 34(8), 2022
  2. Aleman, M., Gopalarathnam, A. and Granlund, K., “A Novel Surface Flow-Reversal Sensor Applied to Detection of Airfoil Stall”, AIAA Journal, 2022
  3. Abney, Reed, Naik, Bryant, Herbert, Leonard, Vadlamannati, Mook, Beknalkar, Avarez, Granlund, Bryant, Mazzoleni, Fathy, Vermillion, “Autonomous Closed-Loop Experimental Characterization and Dynamic Model Validation of a Scaled Underwater Kite”, Journal of Dynamic Systems, Measurement and Control, 144(7): 071005, 2022
  4. Turpin, A., Hayashi, T., Sakaue, H. and Granlund, K., “Supersonic Cavity Flow with a Downstream-Sliding Door”, Experiments in Fluids 62(239), 2021
  5. Turpin, A., Speth, R., Sherer, S. and Granlund, K., “Low-Frequency, Spanwise Oscillation in a Finite-Width Cavity”, Physics of Fluids 33, 076102, 2021, Editor’s Pick
  6. Turpin, A., Hayashi, T., Sakaue, H. and Granlund, K., “Back-imaging of polymer-Ceramic Pressure-Sensitive Paint”, Measurement Science and Technology 32, 104008, June 2021
  7. Gothard, W. and Granlund, K., “Store separation trajectory clusters from machine learning”, AIAA Journal of Aircraft 59(1), pp. 117-125, 2022
  8. Weisler, W., Waghela, R., Granlund, K. and Bryant, M., “Finite Wing Lift During Water-to-Air Interface Transition”, Physical Review Fluids, 6(5), 054002, 2021
  9. Metoyer, R., Chatterjee, P, Elfering, K., Bryant, M. and Granlund, K. and Mazzoleni, A., “Modeling, simulation, and equilibrium analysis of tethered coaxial dual-rotor ocean current turbines”, Journal of Energy Conversion and Management, 243(1), 2021
  10. Metoyer, R., Chatterjee, P, Elfering, K., Bryant, M. and Granlund, K. and Mazzoleni, A., “Experimental Analysis of Dual Coaxial Turbines in Skew”, Ocean Engineering, vol. 215, no. 107877, November 2020,
  11. Siddiqui, A., Naik, K., Cobb, M, Granlund, K. and Vermillion, C., “Lab-Scale, Closed-Loop Experimental Characterization, Model Refinement, and Validation of a Hydrokinetic Energy-Harvesting Ocean Kite”, Journal of Dynamic Systems, Measurement and Control, November 2020
  12. Jacuzzi, E. and Granlund, K.,”Airfoil for downforce with near-ground heaving”, Journal of Fluids Engineering 142(11): 111207, Nov. 2020
  13. Elfering, K. and Granlund, K., “Lift-Based Equivalence of a NACA 0018 Airfoil for Surge-Pitch-Plunge Oscillations”, AIAA Journal 58(11), September 2020
  14. Turpin, A., Chin., D. and Granlund, K., “Impulsive start-stop flow control from the leading edge of a cavity in supersonic flow”, AIAA Journal 58(10), May 2020
  15. Chin, D., Turpin, A. and Granlund, K., “Time-dependent Aerodynamic Loads on Tandem Stores in a Supersonic Cavity”, AIAA Journal of Aircraft, 57(4), pp.702-714, March 2020
  16. Jacuzzi, E. and Granlund, K, “Passive flow control for drag reduction in vehicle platoons, Journal of Wind Engineering and Industrial Aerodynamics 189, 104-117, 2019
  17. Chin, D., Johnson, G., Schmit, R., Reeder, M. and Granlund, K, “Store Separation Timed Release”, DoD Journal of Research and Engineering 2(1), 2019
  18. Chin, D., Granlund, K., Maatz, I., Schmit, R. and Reeder, M., “Stochastic Store Trajectory of Ice Models with Forced Ejection from a Cavity into Supersonic Flow, AIAA Journal of Aircraft 56(4), 2019
  19. Khatri, D., Chatterjee, P. , Metoyer, R., Mazzoleni, A., Bryant, M. and Granlund, K., “Dual Actuator Disc Theory for Turbines in Yaw”, AIAA Journal 57(5), 2019
  20. Ramesh, K., Granlund, K., Ol, M., Edwards, J, and Gopalarathnam, A., “Leading-Edge Flow Criticality as Governing Factor in Leading-Edge Vortex Initiation in Unsteady Airfoil Flows”, Theoretical and Computational Fluid Mechanics 32(2),109-136, 2018
  21. Stevens, P., Manar, F., Jones, A., Nakata, T., Bomphrey, R., Gozukara, A., Granlund, K., Ol, M., “Experiments and Computations on the Lift of Accelerating Flat Plates at Incidence”, AIAA Journal 55(10) pp. 3255-3265, 2017
  22. Granlund, K., Ol, M. and Jones, A., “Streamwise oscillation of airfoils into reverse-flow”, AIAA Journal of Aircraft 54(5), pp. 1628-1636, 2016
  23. Granlund K., Ol M., Bernal L., “Non-linearity of apparent mass for multi-element bodies” AIAA Journal 54(2), pp. 771-776, 2016
  24. Mancini P. , Manar, F., A Jones A., Granlund, K. and Ol, M. , “Unsteady Aerodynamic Characteristics of a Translating Rigid Wing at Low Reynolds Number”, Physics of Fluids 27, 123102, 2015;
  25. Mancini P., A Jones A., Granlund, K. and Ol, M. , “Unsteady Aerodynamic Response of a Rapidly Started Flexible Wing”, International Journal of Micro Air Vehicles 7 (2), 147-158, 2015;
  26. Granlund, K., Monnier, B. Ol, M. and Williams, D., “Airfoil longitudinal gust response in separated vs. attached flows“, Physics of Fluids 26 (2), 027103, 2014;
  27. Granlund, K., Ol, M. and Bernal, L., Free-to-Pivot Flat Plates in Hover for Reynolds Numbers 14 to 21,200”, AIAA Journal 52(9), 2014;
  28. Ramesh, K., Gopalarathnam, A., Granlund, K., Ol, M. and Edwards, J. “Discrete-vortex method with novel shedding criterion for unsteady aerofoil flows with intermittent leading-edge vortex shedding”, Journal of Fluid Mechanics 751, 2014;
  29. Jantzen R., Taira K., Granlund K., Ol M. “Vortex dynamics around pitching plates”, Physics of Fluids 26(5), 053606, 2014;
  30. Schlueter K., Jones A., Granlund K., Ol M., “Effect of Root Cutout on Force Coefficients of Rotating Wings”, AIAA Journal 52(6), pp. 1322-1325, 2014;
  31. Granlund, K., Ol, M. and Bernal, L., “Unsteady Pitching Flat Plates”, Journal of Fluid Mechanics 733 R5, 2013;
  32. Granlund, K., Ol, M. and Bernal, L., “Quasi-steady response of free-to-pivot flat plates in hover”, Journal of Fluids and Structures 40, pp. 337-355, 2013;
  33. Ramesh, K., Gopalarathnam, A., Edwards, J., Ol, M. and Granlund, K., “An unsteady airfoil theory applied to pitching motions validated against experiment and computation”, Journal of Theoretical and Computational Fluid Dynamics, pp. 1-22, 2013;
  34. Baik, Y., Bernal, L., Granlund, K. and Ol, M., “Unsteady force generation and vortex dynamics of pitching and plunging airfoils”, Journal of Fluid Mechanics 709, pp. 37-68, 2012;
  35. McGowan, G., Granlund, K., et al. ,”Lift cancellation of Pitch-Plunge Airfoil Motions at Low Reynolds Numbers”, AIAA Journal, vol.49, no.7, pp.1511-1541, 2011;

Conference Papers

  1. Z. Leonard, S. Bryant, K. Naik, A. Abney, D. Herbert, H. Fathy, K. Granlund, A. Mazzoleni, M. Bryant, C. Vermillion, “Sensor Fusion Observer Design and Experimental Validation for an Underwater Kite Sensor Fusion Observer Design and Experimental Validation for an Underwater Kite”, American Control Conference, 2022
  2. Aleman, M. and Granlund, K., “Lock-in Of Vortex Shedding From A Cylinder Undergoing 2-DoF Controlled Motions”, AIAA Paper 2020-3019
  3. Gothard, W. and Granlund, K., “Store separation trajectory clusters from machine learning”, AIAA Student Conference Region II Paper, 2020
  4. Ramakrishnan, K., Ahmed, S., Wahls, B., Singh, P., Aleman, M., Granlund, K, Ekkad, S., Liberatore, F., Ho, Y-h, “Gas Turbine Combustor Liner Wall Heat Load Characterization for Different Gaseous Fuels“, IMECHE Paper 2019-11283
  5. Wood, M., Reeder, M. and Granlund, K., “Cavity Flow Control in a Low-Speed Tunnel in Preparation for Flight Test” AIAA Paper 2019-3660
  6. Aleman, M. and Granlund, K., “Lock-in Of Vortex Shedding From A Cylinder In Forced Oscillations”, AIAA Paper 2019-3427
  7. Elfering, K. and Granlund, K., “Investigations of Lift-Based Equivalence of a NACA 0018 Airfoil for Surge-Pitch-Plunge Oscillations”, AIAA Paper 2019-3337
  8. Jacuzzi, E., Aleman, M. and Granlund, K., “Improvements in NASCAR Race Vehicle Side Force and Yawing Moment Stability in Race Conditions Using Active or Passive Blowing”, AIAA Paper 2019-0592
  9. Khatri, D., Chatterjee, P., Metoyer, R., Bryant, M., Mazzoleni, A. and Granlund, K., “ Investigation of a Novel Approach for Ocean Current Power Generation: The Inclined-Axis Coaxial Turbine”, IEEE OCEANS Conference, 2018 10.1109/OCEANS.2018.8604854
  10. Turpin, A., Chin, D., Hill, J. and Granlund, K., “Resonance Start-up in a Rectangular Cavity”, AIAA Paper 2018-3871
  11. Chin, D., Granlund, K., Maatz, I., Schmit, R. and Reeder, M., “Stochastic Store Trajectory of Ice Models with Forced Ejection from a Cavity into Supersonic Flow”, AIAA Paper 2018-3549
  12. Jacuzzi, E. and Granlund, K., “Yaw Moment Modification in NASCAR Race Vehicles via Passive Tail Blowing”, AIAA Paper 2018-3529
  13. Barrier, A. and Granlund, K., “Leading and Trailing Edge Vortex Shedding of Airfoil in Longitudinal Gust at High Incidence”, AIAA Paper 2018-2905
  14. Jacuzzi, E., Barrier, A. and Granlund, L., “NASCAR Race Vehicle Wake Modification via Passive Blown Ducts and its Effect on Trailing Vehicle Drag, AIAA Paper 2018-0558
  15. Chin, D., Granlund, K., Hayashi, T. and Sakaue, H.”Unsteady PSP measurements on a cylinder translating out from a supersonic cavity”, AIAA Paper 2017-3468, 2017
  16. Chin, D. and Granlund, K., “Time-dependent airloads on a cylinder in a supersonic cavity, AIAA Paper 2016-3312, 2016
  17. Greenblatt, D.,Mueller-Vahl, H., Strangfeld, C., Ol, M., Granlund K., “High Advance-Ratio Airfoil Streamwise Oscillations: Wind Tunnel vs. Water Tunnel” AIAA Paper 2016-1356