Journal Publications
- Elfering, K., Narsipur, S.and Granlund, K., “Streamwise Oscillation of Airfoil in Separated vs. Attached Flows”, Physics of Fluids, 34(8), 2022
- Aleman, M., Gopalarathnam, A. and Granlund, K., “A Novel Surface Flow-Reversal Sensor Applied to Detection of Airfoil Stall”, AIAA Journal, 2022 - Abney, Reed, Naik, Bryant, Herbert, Leonard, Vadlamannati, Mook, Beknalkar, Avarez, Granlund, Bryant, Mazzoleni, Fathy, Vermillion, “Autonomous Closed-Loop Experimental Characterization and Dynamic Model Validation of a Scaled Underwater Kite”, Journal of Dynamic Systems, Measurement and Control, 144(7): 071005, 2022
- Turpin, A., Hayashi, T., Sakaue, H. and Granlund, K., “Supersonic Cavity Flow with a Downstream-Sliding Door”, Experiments in Fluids 62(239), 2021 - Turpin, A., Speth, R., Sherer, S. and Granlund, K., “Low-Frequency, Spanwise Oscillation in a Finite-Width Cavity”, Physics of Fluids 33, 076102, 2021, Editor’s Pick
- Turpin, A., Hayashi, T., Sakaue, H. and Granlund, K., “Back-imaging of polymer-Ceramic Pressure-Sensitive Paint”, Measurement Science and Technology 32, 104008, June 2021
- Gothard, W. and Granlund, K., “Store separation trajectory clusters from machine learning”, AIAA Journal of Aircraft 59(1), pp. 117-125, 2022
- Weisler, W., Waghela, R., Granlund, K. and Bryant, M., “Finite Wing Lift During Water-to-Air Interface Transition”, Physical Review Fluids, 6(5), 054002, 2021 - Metoyer, R., Chatterjee, P, Elfering, K., Bryant, M. and Granlund, K. and Mazzoleni, A., “Modeling, simulation, and equilibrium analysis of tethered coaxial dual-rotor ocean current turbines”, Journal of Energy Conversion and Management, 243(1), 2021
- Metoyer, R., Chatterjee, P, Elfering, K., Bryant, M. and Granlund, K. and Mazzoleni, A., “Experimental Analysis of Dual Coaxial Turbines in Skew”, Ocean Engineering, vol. 215, no. 107877, November 2020,
- Siddiqui, A., Naik, K., Cobb, M, Granlund, K. and Vermillion, C., “Lab-Scale, Closed-Loop Experimental Characterization, Model Refinement, and Validation of a Hydrokinetic Energy-Harvesting Ocean Kite”, Journal of Dynamic Systems, Measurement and Control, November 2020
- Jacuzzi, E. and Granlund, K.,”Airfoil for downforce with near-ground heaving”, Journal of Fluids Engineering 142(11): 111207, Nov. 2020
- Elfering, K. and Granlund, K., “Lift-Based Equivalence of a NACA 0018 Airfoil for Surge-Pitch-Plunge Oscillations”, AIAA Journal 58(11), September 2020 - Turpin, A., Chin., D. and Granlund, K., “Impulsive start-stop flow control from the leading edge of a cavity in supersonic flow”, AIAA Journal 58(10), May 2020
- Chin, D., Turpin, A. and Granlund, K., “Time-dependent Aerodynamic Loads on Tandem Stores in a Supersonic Cavity”, AIAA Journal of Aircraft, 57(4), pp.702-714, March 2020
- Jacuzzi, E. and Granlund, K, “Passive flow control for drag reduction in vehicle platoons, Journal of Wind Engineering and Industrial Aerodynamics 189, 104-117, 2019
- Chin, D., Johnson, G., Schmit, R., Reeder, M. and Granlund, K, “Store Separation Timed Release”, DoD Journal of Research and Engineering 2(1), 2019
- Chin, D., Granlund, K., Maatz, I., Schmit, R. and Reeder, M., “Stochastic Store Trajectory of Ice Models with Forced Ejection from a Cavity into Supersonic Flow, AIAA Journal of Aircraft 56(4), 2019
- Khatri, D., Chatterjee, P. , Metoyer, R., Mazzoleni, A., Bryant, M. and Granlund, K., “Dual Actuator Disc Theory for Turbines in Yaw”, AIAA Journal 57(5), 2019 - Ramesh, K., Granlund, K., Ol, M., Edwards, J, and Gopalarathnam, A., “Leading-Edge Flow Criticality as Governing Factor in Leading-Edge Vortex Initiation in Unsteady Airfoil Flows”, Theoretical and Computational Fluid Mechanics 32(2),109-136, 2018 - Stevens, P., Manar, F., Jones, A., Nakata, T., Bomphrey, R., Gozukara, A., Granlund, K., Ol, M., “Experiments and Computations on the Lift of Accelerating Flat Plates at Incidence”, AIAA Journal 55(10) pp. 3255-3265, 2017
- Granlund, K., Ol, M. and Jones, A., “Streamwise oscillation of airfoils into reverse-flow”, AIAA Journal of Aircraft 54(5), pp. 1628-1636, 2016
- Granlund K., Ol M., Bernal L., “Non-linearity of apparent mass for multi-element bodies” AIAA Journal 54(2), pp. 771-776, 2016
- Mancini P. , Manar, F., A Jones A., Granlund, K. and Ol, M. , “Unsteady Aerodynamic Characteristics of a Translating Rigid Wing at Low Reynolds Number”, Physics of Fluids 27, 123102, 2015;
- Mancini P., A Jones A., Granlund, K. and Ol, M. , “Unsteady Aerodynamic Response of a Rapidly Started Flexible Wing”, International Journal of Micro Air Vehicles 7 (2), 147-158, 2015;
- Granlund, K., Monnier, B. Ol, M. and Williams, D., “Airfoil longitudinal gust response in separated vs. attached flows“, Physics of Fluids 26 (2), 027103, 2014;
- Granlund, K., Ol, M. and Bernal, L., “Free-to-Pivot Flat Plates in Hover for Reynolds Numbers 14 to 21,200”, AIAA Journal 52(9), 2014;
- Ramesh, K., Gopalarathnam, A., Granlund, K., Ol, M. and Edwards, J. “Discrete-vortex method with novel shedding criterion for unsteady aerofoil flows with intermittent leading-edge vortex shedding”, Journal of Fluid Mechanics 751, 2014;
- Jantzen R., Taira K., Granlund K., Ol M. “Vortex dynamics around pitching plates”, Physics of Fluids 26(5), 053606, 2014;
- Schlueter K., Jones A., Granlund K., Ol M., “Effect of Root Cutout on Force Coefficients of Rotating Wings”, AIAA Journal 52(6), pp. 1322-1325, 2014;
- Granlund, K., Ol, M. and Bernal, L., “Unsteady Pitching Flat Plates”, Journal of Fluid Mechanics 733 R5, 2013;
- Granlund, K., Ol, M. and Bernal, L., “Quasi-steady response of free-to-pivot flat plates in hover”, Journal of Fluids and Structures 40, pp. 337-355, 2013;
- Ramesh, K., Gopalarathnam, A., Edwards, J., Ol, M. and Granlund, K., “An unsteady airfoil theory applied to pitching motions validated against experiment and computation”, Journal of Theoretical and Computational Fluid Dynamics, pp. 1-22, 2013;
- Baik, Y., Bernal, L., Granlund, K. and Ol, M., “Unsteady force generation and vortex dynamics of pitching and plunging airfoils”, Journal of Fluid Mechanics 709, pp. 37-68, 2012;
- McGowan, G., Granlund, K., et al. ,”Lift cancellation of Pitch-Plunge Airfoil Motions at Low Reynolds Numbers”, AIAA Journal, vol.49, no.7, pp.1511-1541, 2011;
Conference Papers
- Z. Leonard, S. Bryant, K. Naik, A. Abney, D. Herbert, H. Fathy, K. Granlund, A. Mazzoleni, M. Bryant, C. Vermillion, “Sensor Fusion Observer Design and Experimental Validation for an Underwater Kite Sensor Fusion Observer Design and Experimental Validation for an Underwater Kite”, American Control Conference, 2022
- Aleman, M. and Granlund, K., “Lock-in Of Vortex Shedding From A Cylinder Undergoing 2-DoF Controlled Motions”, AIAA Paper 2020-3019
- Gothard, W. and Granlund, K., “Store separation trajectory clusters from machine learning”, AIAA Student Conference Region II Paper, 2020
- Ramakrishnan, K., Ahmed, S., Wahls, B., Singh, P., Aleman, M., Granlund, K, Ekkad, S., Liberatore, F., Ho, Y-h, “Gas Turbine Combustor Liner Wall Heat Load Characterization for Different Gaseous Fuels“, IMECHE Paper 2019-11283
- Wood, M., Reeder, M. and Granlund, K., “Cavity Flow Control in a Low-Speed Tunnel in Preparation for Flight Test” AIAA Paper 2019-3660
- Aleman, M. and Granlund, K., “Lock-in Of Vortex Shedding From A Cylinder In Forced Oscillations”, AIAA Paper 2019-3427
- Elfering, K. and Granlund, K., “Investigations of Lift-Based Equivalence of a NACA 0018 Airfoil for Surge-Pitch-Plunge Oscillations”, AIAA Paper 2019-3337
- Jacuzzi, E., Aleman, M. and Granlund, K., “Improvements in NASCAR Race Vehicle Side Force and Yawing Moment Stability in Race Conditions Using Active or Passive Blowing”, AIAA Paper 2019-0592
- Khatri, D., Chatterjee, P., Metoyer, R., Bryant, M., Mazzoleni, A. and Granlund, K., “ Investigation of a Novel Approach for Ocean Current Power Generation: The Inclined-Axis Coaxial Turbine”, IEEE OCEANS Conference, 2018 10.1109/OCEANS.2018.8604854
- Turpin, A., Chin, D., Hill, J. and Granlund, K., “Resonance Start-up in a Rectangular Cavity”, AIAA Paper 2018-3871
- Chin, D., Granlund, K., Maatz, I., Schmit, R. and Reeder, M., “Stochastic Store Trajectory of Ice Models with Forced Ejection from a Cavity into Supersonic Flow”, AIAA Paper 2018-3549
- Jacuzzi, E. and Granlund, K., “Yaw Moment Modification in NASCAR Race Vehicles via Passive Tail Blowing”, AIAA Paper 2018-3529
- Barrier, A. and Granlund, K., “Leading and Trailing Edge Vortex Shedding of Airfoil in Longitudinal Gust at High Incidence”, AIAA Paper 2018-2905
- Jacuzzi, E., Barrier, A. and Granlund, L., “NASCAR Race Vehicle Wake Modification via Passive Blown Ducts and its Effect on Trailing Vehicle Drag, AIAA Paper 2018-0558
- Chin, D., Granlund, K., Hayashi, T. and Sakaue, H.”Unsteady PSP measurements on a cylinder translating out from a supersonic cavity”, AIAA Paper 2017-3468, 2017
- Chin, D. and Granlund, K., “Time-dependent airloads on a cylinder in a supersonic cavity, AIAA Paper 2016-3312, 2016
- Greenblatt, D.,Mueller-Vahl, H., Strangfeld, C., Ol, M., Granlund K., “High Advance-Ratio Airfoil Streamwise Oscillations: Wind Tunnel vs. Water Tunnel” AIAA Paper 2016-1356